Often I think I'm the only one who has the thoughts I have and you know what, I'm sure I'm not. So I'm here to share my thoughts and I hope you'll share yours too! Life's too short not to share!

Feb 26, 2012

Holy Crapoly.... she's back!!!!

Oh My God, I've cracked it!

After so many months yelling at the laptop screen and cursing Google my perserverance has paid off.  Google has this clever way of not giving you any actual HELP contact details if you have a problem.... you simply click here, click there, click blimmin' everywhere until you (hopefully) figure it out.  I had honestly given up all hope.... and you know what, I thought "Steph, that's not you... you don't give up that easily, don't let this beat you"... oh and I really couldn't be bothered starting a new blog from scratch.... all that time designing the template.......  I was also quite staggered by how many people have said to me "I really enjoyed reading your blog, why did stop?"  Just the push I needed to keep hanging in there.... like a chahuahua on the ankle!  And you know what, it's bloody liberating to be back writing again, it feels so great!!

So, where the heck do I begin.  I believe my last entry was in August last year.... woah, that's scary....... it's now almost March 2012.  Shiiiiiittttttttt, a load of water under my bridge since then and well, I'm going to struggle to remember it all.

Let's see then..... in early August last year, Nats (my sister) and Grace (her daughter, my niece, 8 years) moved in with us.  They stayed with us until early December.  For the most part, it was actually really good and loads of fun and it was really wonderful for Harry and Grace to have had the time together.... they are very fortunate to have eachother.  They had their moments, we all did.  It was a busy LITTLE house, a messy little house and we've all managed to survive.

Mr 50 grumbled a bit along the way - fair enough, he had to forgo his "man's cave" for them to live in - and what a sacrifice that was!  He coped remarkably well all in all, I was pleasantly surprised.  It was more testing whwn Christmas was just round the corner and things were particularly busy for us.  And well, it wouldn't be life without some drama.  A week into December I "ever so nicely" issued the eviction notice, to softly softly move things along (subtle ay!) and well, within 2 days Nats found her and Grace some new digs and they moved out the following weekend!  It was really great to have our home back and just be the three of us again.... really makes you grateful for what you have.  We did miss them when they first moved out and now they are only 10 mins away and we are still seeing loads of eachother so it's all good.  We can choose our friends, we can't choose our family and I think I'm actually pretty bloody lucky with mine.  I love my sis, we're best friends and it works and I look back on those 4 months with great fondness and warmth.  Don't know if I could do it again anytime soon though ha, ha!

Nick didn't end up having his 50th birthday party in August, we didn't go to Raro for our relaxing break, we haven't had a party at the cafe we were going to have and hey, life still goes on.  Sure, we'd love a holiday and a party and they will happen, it just wasn't the right time for us last year...... exciting though, Raro is now June 2012 and Melbourne for me in May!

Harry turned 9 on 21 September last year.  My big boy is growing so fast!  It's such a priviledge and so truly amazing to have a child and see them grow in front of your eyes.  He's a remarkable young man and I couldn't be more proud of him..... 9 is such a rocking good age, esp. for a boy!  Love you Harry.

So, October last year, I turned 39... whooppeeeeee.... another year.  I can't wait for my 40th this year!  That's the real number I've been looking forward to.

November came and went, December, as always was a huge month, with end of year and Christmas...... it was utter chaos as always..... good chaos though... nothing too horrific to write home about.

We snuck off for our annual jaunt to beautiful Riwaka/Motueka in early Jan..... superb as always.  Such a "basic" time when we're there, yet the most fulfilling.... those are the best holidays.  Could have done with another week... hey, business don't stop for nobody!

Came back to a crazy, busy start to the year and it's just got busier since.  I came in to 2012 with a whole new directive.... a new personal directive and a new business directive.  Personally, my word for 2012 is DISCIPLINE.... as a mother, as a wife, as a sister, as a daughter, as a friend, simply in every aspect of being this person I am.  I decided I didn't want another year of just dealing with things as they came along... I want to determine my path and be in control... well, at least when I haven't had a few delicious red wines LOL!  I have stuck to this mantra and I'm feeling so empowered.  I'm not talking gym discipline, diet discipline or anything too life threatening like they both sound to me.... simply a clear head with direction and some focus.  This led me to feel calm and in control for my business year ahead.  Other years, we've arrived back from Riwaka, I've been bummed out because I wanted to stay and not face the reality of what lay ahead.... hard work again for another year...... I know, it might sound strange... there are times I just think.... I could chuck it all in... it's a hard graft and I've had enough.  And then I have my moments and realise, WHATEVER STEPH... this is yours for the picking, it's your life, you own it, you chose it, you can decide your destiny.  So this year, I was focussed and got about writing our 2012 business plan over the Christmas period.... to be honest, it took quite a few weeks to write, confirm, agree and sign off.... which I think is probably not a bad thing all in all... as it meant I was determined to get it right.  We've set ourselves some hefty goals for this year... and you know what, I am truly excited.  I've got my (can't say the name of that other coffee company beginning with M with an  O, then a J and another O) back and I'm giving it my all.

I'm going to wean Mr 50 away from the business.... he deserves some downtime... and I'm going to "get it on" in 2012.  Watch this space....

Valentine's Day.... another day on the calendar... never a biggie for us... we love eachother every day of the year...., yeah whatever!  We're now looming towards March, end of day light savings, end of a rather rubbish summer and heading in to my second favourite time of the year.....Autumn (Spring's my fav).  I love Autumn when the trees turn amber and then loose their leaves, the air is cooler and the nights are just right for curling up with a blanket and a good book...... Can you tell I'm not a beach bunny!  Pale skin... say no more.

I mentioned before, it's my 40th this year and well, I've been looking forward to this for many a year.... I have a plan for my party, one which was going to be for my 30th and I had a baby instead :-)  1920s flapper party... with all the trimmings.  Oh yeah... bring it on!

I have booked a romantic night in town for week after next, for hubby and I, then a day off work the next day...... we won't know what's hit us.  I have decided to head to Melbourne in May to the Melbourne Coffee Expo and of course, great excuse to stay with and catch up with girlfriends who live their... and shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We are FINALLY going to have our sunshine holiday in Raro, planning for June........ that will be such a treat... our first "proper" holiday since our belated honeymoon in 2006!  I know, tragic.

Something else I've decided this year is.... and I know this will sound rather obvious to all your normal folk out there who actually do this sort of thing.... nothing happens when you make excuses!  Last year we didn't have a party, we didn't go to Raro, we didn't this, we didn't that and kept saying... we're too busy, ohhh, we can't because of the businesses.  Well you know what... yes we can and yes we are.  2012 is about discipline and being in control.  Booking our dirty night in town and deciding to go to Melbourne and planning to go to Raro... how liberating... no excuses this year.

I've just looked at the time, I have to be up early as I have a new staff member starting at the cafe.  It's going to be a big next couple of weeks, with another newbie starting on Friday.... training, training, training for me!  Shouldn't be too harrowing, they are both wonderful, of course.  Just a wee shock to the system getting to the cafe at 6.30 am every day for the next couple of weeks.

It's great to be back, to be "speaking" to the universe once again.  My final thoughts for today are from me..... cherish today, look forward to tomorrow, plan for the future and don't ever look back with regret.

See you anon

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